I am using TSM for Domino v1.1.1 on NT going to an OS/390 TSM Server v4.1.3. I would like to backup all our MAIL\ files each Saturday and then on Sunday backup all the OTHER directories in the Domino data directory. On Sunday I don't want to back up the MAIL\ directory again. Anybody got any suggestions? Here is an example of the directory structure... E:\NOTES.DTA -->\GLOBAL -->\LOCAL -->\MAIL -->\MORE1 -->\MORE2 -->\MORE3 .... -->\MORE30 So, I want to do E:\NOTES.DTA\MAIL on Saturday, and all the other directories, except \MAIL, on Sunday. I'd prefer not to hard code each of the directories for the Sunday backup as this does not allow for expansion, without changing the batch file. I can't use two different .OPT files, one with the \MAIL directory excluded, as this will expire all the previous versions of \MAIL files [won't it?]. Over to you guys... /gjs