I've got the following problem:
sometimes when I try an action over the Admin. Web client, several
WebSessions are opened and can't be canceled. And the
real problem is: these sessions kill my server, an OS/390 R10 TSM Server V
4.1, which starts using between 10 and 40% of the CPU.
The only way to come out is to stop and restart the TSM-Server.
Can anyone tell me what the problem is.
Here is the errormessage from the log:
ANR2017I Administrator V230033 issued command: CANCEL SESSION 1389
ANR9999D OUTINIT(704): Invalid stream descriptor in outCancelStream().
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Robert Fijan
Sitz Stuttgart
Tel. (0 7 11) 8 48-23 39
Fax. (0 7 11) 8 48 44-33 11
Internet-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]