Hi Gill, I am not sure what OS you are running TSM on but I am running mine
on Solaris and I have a cron job set up to run every morning at 6:00. The
script in the cron job is as follows:
echo "****** TSM Backup Report ******" > /usr/local/adsm/log
echo For 'date' >> /usr/local/adsm/log
echo "The following is the status of last night's backups\n" >>
dsmadmc -id=admin -pa=admin "q event * * begindate=-1 >>
mailx -s "TSM_Report" [EMAIL PROTECTED]< /usr/local/adsm/log
That is pretty much it. Of coarse, you will need to change the id and pa
from admin to a real admin name and password on your system and replace
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with your email address. You can also add as many email
addresses that you want so other people can receive the email. Basically
this job creates a file called 'log' within the /usr/local/adsm directory,
then it mails that file to the recipients. I hope this helps.
Dwight Wood
>From: "Gill, Geoffrey L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Automated monitoring of backup
>Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 09:12:05 -0700
>To all,
>I'm wondering how others are monitoring their nightly backups for
>completion. Currently our operations people use the web interface to
>backups. I've been asked to find a way to help work this out so information
>is fed somewhere from somewhere automatically. I am not a programmer or dba
>so my expertise is limited, actually probably non existent, as it relates
>making this happen on my own.
>Do any of you have some suggestions as to how to make this work? Can you
>pass along any scripts that would help me? Would this be done from the TSM
>server and sent out or is it possible to run this from one computer by
>pulling the data from TSM and sending it to a different computer?
>If I have to re-invent the wheel it probably won't come out round.....
>Geoff Gill
>TSM Administrator
>NT Systems Support Engineer
>Phone: (858) 826-4062
>Pager: (888) 997-9614
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