> TSM moved the required files. The new $DSM_DIR is different. However, I seem
to recall that one file didn't get moved automattically, I forget now which
"dsmserv.opt". This file was not automatically moved, when I upgraded a
3.1 server to 4.1 recently.
But this does not contribute to Thomas' original question - he already
installed 4.1 on the machine that runs the 3.1 server. I think, his
migrate process should work.
> Miles
> Miles Purdy
> System Manager
> Farm Income Programs Directorate
> Winnipeg, MB, CA
> ph: (204) 984-1602 fax: (204) 983-7557
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 14-Jun-01 2:22:08 PM >>>
> So the TSM installation moved all files to their new directories or did it
> keep the old ADSM file structure?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Miles Purdy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 2:38 PM
> Subject: Re: Upgrading to 4.1
> We just did the exact same upgrade, but it is even easier than what you
> outlined below.
> 1. do your backups
> 2. shut down the server
> 3. use smit to install the new version
> This is all we did and everything worked great!
> miles
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------
> Miles Purdy
> System Manager
> Farm Income Programs Directorate
> Winnipeg, MB, CA
> ph: (204) 984-1602 fax: (204) 983-7557
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 14-Jun-01 12:14:29 PM >>>
> Platform: AIX 4.3.2
> We have been testing 4.1 on a system that already has a 3.1
> instance installed. We are now satisified with 4.1, and would
> like to migrate our instance to 4.1. The manual
> indicates directions on how to do the migration at the time of
> installing the 4.1 software--a step that we've obviously already taken.
> I thought that what I would have to do is
> 1) do a full database backup of the instance
> 2) copy my relevant files (dsmserv.dsk, etc.) to the new
> DSMSERV_DIR (/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin)
> 3) start the TSM 4.1 server with 'dsmserv upgradedb'
> 4) re-register all of my licenses
> Has anybody else gone through the process in this manner? Am I
> missing something?
> Any advice/tips/suggestions are welcome.
> -- Tom
> Thomas A. La Porte
> DreamWorks SKG
Reinhard Mersch Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet
Zentrum fuer Informationsverarbeitung - ehemals Universitaetsrechenzentrum
Roentgenstrasse 9-13, D-48149 Muenster, Germany Tel: +49(251)83-31583
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fax: +49(251)83-31653