Yes you can do it...
Yes I've done it...
Yes your steps are correct...

Make sure you make the corrections to dsmserv.opt file to reference the
correct directories and make sure that the rc.adsmserv references the
correct directories.  You may after you get everything copied over do a grep
to make sure there aren't any references to the old directory tree.

If I can answer any other questions let me know
Good luck

Becky Davidson
Data Manager/AIX Administrator
voice: 314-259-7589
fax: 314-877-8589

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas A. La Porte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: Upgrading to 4.1

I think I was unclear in my original post.

We have already done step 3. The TSM 4.1 software is already
installed on a server in which the software is *also*
running. We would like to upgrade the instance to 4.1,
and I'm wondering if/how I should do this without re-installing
the 4.1 server code.

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Miles Purdy wrote:

>We just did the exact same upgrade, but it is even easier than what you
outlined below.
>1. do your backups
>2. shut down the server
>3. use smit to install the new version
>This is all we did and everything worked great!
>Miles Purdy
>System Manager
>Farm Income Programs Directorate
>Winnipeg, MB, CA
>ph: (204) 984-1602 fax: (204) 983-7557
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 14-Jun-01 12:14:29 PM >>>
>Platform: AIX 4.3.2
>We have been testing 4.1 on a system that already has a 3.1
>instance installed. We are now satisified with 4.1, and would
>like to migrate our instance to 4.1. The manual
>indicates directions on how to do the migration at the time of
>installing the 4.1 software--a step that we've obviously already taken.
>I thought that what I would have to do is
> 1) do a full database backup of the instance
> 2) copy my relevant files (dsmserv.dsk, etc.) to the new
>    DSMSERV_DIR (/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin)
> 3) start the TSM 4.1 server with 'dsmserv upgradedb'
> 4) re-register all of my licenses
>Has anybody else gone through the process in this manner? Am I
>missing something?
>Any advice/tips/suggestions are welcome.
> -- Tom
>Thomas A. La Porte
>DreamWorks SKG

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