How quickly does dsmreconcile run and do you already have files in migrated
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew A. Bacchi [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 1:16 PM
> Subject: ADSM/HSM migration candidates list
> Folks,
> I can't seem to get HSM to generate a candidates list and begin migrating
> files on an AIX 4.3.2 system. The version of adsm.client.aix42.hsm is
>, one of the most recent ADSM packages. Anyway, the high
> migration
> threshold is set below the percent used for the filesystem, Space
> Management
> is active for the filesystem and we have backed the files up using the
> normal
> ADSM b/a client(even though the MIGREQUIRESBACKUP parameter is set to NO.)
> Here are some commands and their output:
> { root@client } # dsmreconcile -c /b32tmd/tmd3
> Reconciling '/b32tmd/tmd3' file system:
> Querying the ADSM server for a list of backed up files...
> Received 11616 entries
> Now traversing the file system...
> Writing the new migration candidates list...
> Note: unable to find any candidates in the file system.
> ANS9250I File system '/b32tmd/tmd3' reconciliation completed.
> { root@client } # dsmmigquery -c /b32tmd/tmd3
> Candidates for migration in file system /b32tmd/tmd3:
> no file exists in the migration candidates list
> { root@client } # dsmmigfs query /b32tmd/tmd3
> File System High Low Premig Age Size Quota Stub
> Server
> Name Thrshld Thrshld Percent Factor Factor Size
> Name
> /b32tmd/tmd3 85 65 5 1 0 19000 4095
> { root@client } # dsmdf /b32tmd/tmd3
> FSM FS Mgrtd Pmgrtd Mgrtd Pmgrtd Unused Free
> Filesystem State KB KB Files Files Inodes KB
> /b32tmd/tmd3 a 0 0 0 0 2356854 867700
> { root@g54srv1 } # df -k /b32tmd/tmd3
> Filesystem 1024-blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
> /b32tmd/tmd3 9502720 867704 91% 18825 1% /b32tmd/tmd3
> Anybody have any ideas? I have spent quite a few hours now playing with
> this,
> making changes and attempting to generate a candidates list, all to no
> avail.
> Maybe I need another set of eyes. Thanks in advance.
> -Matt
> /**
> ** Matt Bacchi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ** IBM Global Services SDC Northeast
> ** F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
> ** ADSM & AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072
> **/