I can't seem to get HSM to generate a candidates list and begin migrating 
files on an AIX 4.3.2 system.  The version of adsm.client.aix42.hsm is, one of the most recent ADSM packages.  Anyway, the high migration 
threshold is set below the percent used for the filesystem, Space Management 
is active for the filesystem and we have backed the files up using the normal 
ADSM b/a client(even though the MIGREQUIRESBACKUP parameter is set to NO.)  
Here are some commands and their output:

{ root@client } # dsmreconcile -c /b32tmd/tmd3
Reconciling '/b32tmd/tmd3' file system:
  Querying the ADSM server for a list of backed up files...
         Received 11616 entries
  Now traversing the file system...
  Writing the new migration candidates list...
         Note: unable to find any candidates in the file system.
ANS9250I File system '/b32tmd/tmd3' reconciliation completed.

{ root@client } # dsmmigquery -c /b32tmd/tmd3 
Candidates for migration in file system /b32tmd/tmd3: 

no file exists in the migration candidates list   

{ root@client } # dsmmigfs query /b32tmd/tmd3

File System     High    Low     Premig  Age     Size    Quota   Stub    Server
Name            Thrshld Thrshld Percent Factor  Factor          Size    Name

/b32tmd/tmd3    85      65      5       1       0       19000   4095    ADSM0

{ root@client } # dsmdf /b32tmd/tmd3         

FSM             FS      Mgrtd   Pmgrtd  Mgrtd   Pmgrtd  Unused  Free    
Filesystem      State   KB      KB      Files   Files   Inodes  KB      

/b32tmd/tmd3      a     0       0       0       0       2356854 867700

{ root@g54srv1 } # df -k /b32tmd/tmd3
Filesystem    1024-blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
/b32tmd/tmd3      9502720    867704   91%    18825     1% /b32tmd/tmd3

Anybody have any ideas?  I have spent quite a few hours now playing with this, 
making changes and attempting to generate a candidates list, all to no avail.  
Maybe I need another set of eyes.  Thanks in advance.


 **    Matt Bacchi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **    IBM Global Services                SDC Northeast
 **    F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet     (802) 769-4072
 **    ADSM & AFS/DFS Backup             (tie) 446-4072

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