Offhand I can't say what the problem is, but it might not hurt to take a
look at the individual SUMMARY table records that pertain to full database
backups. That might lend a clue:

select date(start_time) as "START DATE", -
   time(start_time) as "START TIME", -
   date(end_time) as "END DATE", -
   time(end_time) as "END TIME", -
   bytes -
   from summary -
   where activity='FULL_DBBACKUP'

Then look at those entries pertaining to your time criteria, and see what
they show.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Tivoli Systems
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
"The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked."
"The command line is your friend"

Hy this is what my script looks like:

set sqlmathmode round
select count(*) as "process", -
case -
when sum(bytes) > 1073741824 then -
cast(sum(bytes)/1073741824 as varchar(24))||'Gb' -
when sum(bytes) > 1048576 then -
cast(sum(bytes)/1048576 as varchar(24))||'Mb' -
when sum(bytes) > 1024 then -
cast(sum(bytes)/1024 as varchar(24))||'Kb' -
else cast(sum(bytes) as varchar(24)) -
end as "Num Bytes", -
activity as "(17h till 17h)act." -
from summary -
where (date(start_time) = current date - 1 day -
and time(start_time) > '17:00') -
or -
(date(start_time) = current date -
and time(start_time) < '17:00') -
group by activity

any ideas yet?

-----Original Message-----
From: Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,FC-SIL/INF. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 07 June 2001 12:16
Subject: Re: backup tsm db


can we see your script ?

René Lambelet
Nestec S.A. / Informatique du Centre
55, av. Nestlé  CH-1800 Vevey (Switzerland)
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        This message is intended only for the use of the addressee and
        may contain information that is privileged and confidential.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Leijnse, Finn F SSI-ISES-31 [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 11:53 AM
> Subject:      backup tsm db
> Fellow *SM specialist,
> I have made a script to check what one of our TSM servers has done over a
> period of about 24H, here the result:
>       count     Num Bytes              (17h till 17h)act.
> -----------     ------------------     ------------------
>        3162    540Gb                  ARCHIVE
>         811     87Gb                   BACKUP
>           1         0                      EXPIRATION
>           2       1Gb                    FULL_DBBACKUP
>          37      62Gb                   MIGRATION
>          34      52Gb                   RECLAMATION
>          31     217Mb                  RESTORE
>           2          0                      STGPOOL BACKUP
> Please take a look at the database backup and can anyone explain why this
> shows only 1 GB over two full backups when my database is 22Gb!! in size.
> When I run the same script on another TSM server it shows that the full
> database backup is equal to its size?
> any ideas?
> > met vriendelijke groeten, regards et salutations,
> > Finn Leijnse
> > Central Data Storage Management
> > email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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