You don't really have a million clients, do you?
Were some of those admin sessions?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Cook, Dwight E
> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 1:25 PM
> Subject: Re: ADSM/TSM memory leak?
> On an AIX 4.3.2 server with tsm 3.7.2.x, I noticed our session
> counts were
> above 1.5 million !
> I think that was about 4 months of up time of tsm, not to mention how long
> since that box had been bounced...
> That specific server has about 100 GB of client traffic daily...
> just some FYI...
> Dwight
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Prather, Wanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 12:06 PM
> Subject: Re: ADSM/TSM memory leak?
> We run TSM on AIX 4.3.3; we don't reboot unless there is a problem, or we
> have software maintenance to apply, or some other reason. Not
> uncommon for
> us to run 2-3 weeks without a restart.