I agree.. I'm running TSM on Windows NT Terminal Server v4, 2-CPU's
1GB memory and I do not reboot unless I need to. My system has been up for
over 28 days and it still has over 400MB of free memory.

-----Original Message-----
From: Prather, Wanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: ADSM/TSM memory leak?

We run TSM on AIX 4.3.3; we don't reboot unless there is a problem, or we
have software maintenance to apply, or some other reason.  Not uncommon for
us to run 2-3 weeks without a restart.

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: ADSM/TSM memory leak?

>But I did have another inquiry. Does anyone else regularly reboot
>their TSM/ADSM server app? Regularly, meaning every 3 days or even
>more often.
>We have 1.1 GB of RAM on our TSM box. Under ADSM, this apparently
>wasn't enough, as we always got "Paging space low!" if the server app
>ran for more than ~72 hours without restarting the app (is this
>what's called a "memory leak"?). TSM apparently does the same thing.
>It respawns itself, but it's still bad cuz if it dies during an
>operation involving tapes, it always screws us up.
>So I plan to reboot the server app every day, but just wondering if
>we're the only ones with this problem.

Then...why not add paging space to that system?  Disk is quite cheap
these days.  Until you get the additional disks, you can tailor
server options like BUFPoolsize to minimize TSM memory utilization.
Also have your AIX people look into what else is running on that
server that might not have to, or might be problematic, as the
other processes are also using memory.

  Richard Sims, BU

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