Hi folks,

I'm trying out some Servergraph replacements, and have just gotten around
to trying the Operations Center. I have some questions that I haven't been
able to glean from the docs or from my own poking around:

1. Is it possible to get trend information by node or policy domain?
There's a 2-week per-node of ingested data by day that I found, but I'm not
seeing anything beyond that.

2. Is it possible to get media utilization by library over time? I can find
the instantaneous scratch tape availability but haven't been to get
historical information for either used media, or available slots.

3. Is it possible to alert on filespaces that have missed their backups by
n days, modified by some table that will either exclude filespaces entirely
or change the days threshold? I know I could do this with a custom SQL
query feeding into a daily report, but I'd rather not be tweaking a query
manually whenever I want to add an override...

4. Is it possible to aggregate query output across multiple SP servers?

5. Is it possible to send report output to a file rather than a HTML email

I'm suspecting the answers are "no" but am hoping to be proven wrong. :)

-- Skylar Thompson (skyl...@u.washington.edu)
-- Genome Sciences Department (UW Medicine), System Administrator
-- Foege Building S046, (206)-685-7354
-- Pronouns: They/Them

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