
A possibility could be deleting filespace for that file, example:



El jue, 19 ene 2023 a las 5:04, Bent Christensen (BVC) (<b...@cowi.com>)

> Hello,
> Just wondered if anyone have had the same issue and maybe found a solution
> for it:
> Now and then we are tasked with restoring data that were backed up very
> long ago back to Windows file shares. In a few cases it turns out that some
> of these old files are infected by virus/malware which was not detected by
> the AV application at the time when the malicious file was written.
> When the TSM client tries to restore an infected file back to a Windows
> server, the AV application on the Windows server will of course prevent the
> file from being written. However, the TSM client interprets this as an disk
> error (or something) and terminates the restore processes so any subsequent
> non-infected files are not restored, making it almost impossible to do
> un-monitored restores of these data sets.
> Would really appreciate it if anyone got some ideas to circumvent this
> (except for disabling the AV application while restoring)?
> Regards
> Bent
> COWI handles personal data as stated in our Privacy Notice<
> https://www.cowi.com/privacy>.

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