With the flood of updates to mitigate vulnerabilities, we decided to
upgrade our VM server to 8.1.14

We did like we always do - extracted the package (yes we know
there is an but wanted to start with .000 figuring it couldn't
hurt since .100 was to address MFA issues) and then ran the Installation

First it wanted to update the Installation Manager.  Then we proceeded with
8.1.14 installation with no issues we could see.  Then when we tried to
start the server, it failed almost immediately.  It generates these errors

ANR9999D_4093628998 ParseDBConstraint(tbtbl.c:16992) Thread<1>: Invalid
column name "REPLD_MB" in constraint "L2REPLCLIG_19" for table
ANR9999D Thread<1> issued message 9999 from:
ANR9999D Thread<1>         0x142a4b0
ANR9999D Thread<1>         0x14329d0
ANR9999D Thread<1>          0xdfb29d
ANR9999D Thread<1>          0xe0059b
ANR9999D Thread<1>          0xbaaa64
ANR9999D Thread<1>          0xbb0f1b
ANR9999D Thread<1>          0x503040
ANR9999D Thread<1>          0x50bb3c
ANR9999D Thread<1>          0x4f0bdc
ANR9999D Thread<1>    0x7ffff3cb9555
ANR9999D Thread<1>          0x4f0d99
ANR9999D_0580070821 ValidateConstraints(tbtbl.c:16281) Thread<1>: Error
9991 parsing constraint L2REPLCLIG_19 found for table GUIL2_REPLCLI_GRID.

Tried rebooting the server. Still nothing.  Extracted and installed the package.  Still nothing.  Fortunately we took a snapshot before
and reverted to get it back up-and-running.

Could not find anything about these Invalid Column errors.

So, did we miss something?

*Zoltan Forray*
Backup & VMware Systems Administrator
Enterprise Compute & Storage Platforms
VCU Infrastructure Services
zfor...@vcu.edu - 804-828-4807
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