I've seen this sort of issue if the addressablity of the drive is wrong,
e.g. logical drive 1 has physical drive 2 address.  So library mounts tape
in drive 1 but instance tries to read label in drive 2 and fails, marks the
tape as unavailable and then works its way through all the scratch tapes.
There are messages in actlog when this happens.

I realize these are worm carts, but one way to check is to attempt a DB
Backup to the devclass.



Steven Harris
Admin Dogsbody
Canberra Australia

On Wed, 25 Mar 2020 at 23:17, Lucian Vlaicu <lucian.vla...@gmail.com> wrote:

> tsm: ARDTSM1>migrate stgpool STDHRDISKW LO=0
> ANR2110I MIGRATE STGPOOL started as process 164.
> ANR1000I Migration process 164 started for storage pool STDHRDISKW
> manually, highMig=80, lowMig=0, duration=No.
> ANS8003I Process number 164 started.
> then tivoli says
> ANR0984I Process 165 for MIGRATION started in the BACKGROUND at 02:10:08
> PM.
> ANR2110I MIGRATE STGPOOL started as process 165.
> ANR1000I Migration process 165 started for storage pool STDHRDISKW
> manually, highMig=80, lowMig=0, duration=No.
> ANR1405W Scratch volume mount request denied - no scratch volume available.
> ANR1405W Scratch volume mount request denied - no scratch volume available.
> ANR1405W Scratch volume mount request denied - no scratch volume available.
> ANR1025W Migration process 165 terminated for storage pool STDHRDISKW -
> insufficient space in subordinate storage pool.
> ANR0985I Process 165 for MIGRATION running in the BACKGROUND completed
> with completion state FAILURE at 02:10:14 PM.
> ANR1893E Process 165 for MIGRATION completed with a completion state of
> ANR1002I Migration for storage pool STDHRDISKW will be retried in 60
> seconds.
> But I have scratch tape here
> tsm: ARDTSM1>q libvol LIBIBM3500 RDP000LV f=d
> Library Name     Volume Name     Status Owner          Last Use
> Home        Device     Cleanings Left     Media Type
> Element     Type
> ------------     -----------     ---------------- ----------
> ---------     -------     ------ --------------     ----------------
> LIBIBM3500       RDP000LV
> Scratch                                           2,734
> LTO                           LTO-5
> tsm: ARDTSM1>
> I have no idea why it is not able to use this tape for writing
> What I am missing?
> Thank you very much for your help
> --
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