Not sure if is relevant but yesterday all these were scratch

tsm: ARDTSM1>q libvol

Library Name     Volume Name     Status Owner          Last Use      Home        Device
Element     Type
------------     -----------     ---------------- ----------     ---------     -------     ------ LIBIBM3500       RDP000LV Scratch                                           2,734       LTO LIBIBM3500       RDP003LV        Private ARDTSM1        Data          2,743       LTO LIBIBM3500       RDP004LV        Private ARDTSM1        Data          2,755       LTO LIBIBM3500       RDP005LV        Private ARDTSM1        Data          2,760       LTO LIBIBM3500       RDP006LV        Private ARDTSM1        Data          2,762       LTO LIBIBM3500       RDP007LV        Private ARDTSM1        Data          2,777       LTO LIBIBM3500       RDP008LV        Private ARDTSM1        Data          2,794       LTO LIBIBM3500       RDP009LV        Private ARDTSM1        Data          2,823       LTO LIBIBM3500       RDP010LV        Private ARDTSM1        Data          2,824       LTO LIBIBM3500       RDP011LV        Private ARDTSM1        Data          2,904       LTO LIBIBM3500       RDP012LV        Private ARDTSM1        Data          3,900       LTO LIBIBM3500       RDP013LV        Private ARDTSM1        Data          3,934       LTO LIBIBM3500       RDP014LV        Private ARDTSM1        Data          3,935       LTO

Now i see only first one is scratch and the rest are private? how did they got in private since was not used?

On 3/25/2020 3:22 PM, Sasa Drnjevic wrote:
Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 999
Number of Scratch Volumes Used: 0
Obviosuly not a problem....

Some other possibilities:

-how many scratch tapes are available in total?
-what is the size of data in STDHRDISKW pool?
-do you have any idea of file sizes in STDHRDISKW pool?
-ownership and permissions for Tape devices?

For example, Linux shoud be:

crw-rw-rw- 1 tsmadm tsmadm 238, 1024 Feb 24 14:51 /dev/IBMtape0n


Sasa Drnjevic

On 25.3.2020. 14:07, Lucian Vlaicu wrote:
tsm: ARDTSM1>q stgpool STDHRLTO5W f=d

                     Storage Pool Name: STDHRLTO5W
                     Storage Pool Type: Primary
                     Device Class Name: ULTRIUM5W
                    Estimated Capacity: 0.0 M
                    Space Trigger Util:
                              Pct Util: 0.0
                              Pct Migr: 0.0
                           Pct Logical: 0.0
                          High Mig Pct: 90
                           Low Mig Pct: 70
                       Migration Delay: 0
                    Migration Continue: Yes
                   Migration Processes: 1
                 Reclamation Processes: 1
                     Next Storage Pool:
                  Reclaim Storage Pool:
                Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
                                Access: Read/Write
                     Overflow Location:
                 Cache Migrated Files?:
                            Collocate?: Group
                 Reclamation Threshold: 50
             Offsite Reclamation Limit:
       Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 999
        Number of Scratch Volumes Used: 0
         Delay Period for Volume Reuse: 0 Day(s)
                Migration in Progress?: No
                  Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
      Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
              Reclamation in Progress?: No
        Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
                 Last Update Date/Time: 03/23/20   22:30:50
              Storage Pool Data Format: Native
                  Copy Storage Pool(s):
                   Active Data Pool(s):
               Continue Copy on Error?: Yes
                              CRC Data: No
                      Reclamation Type: Threshold
           Overwrite Data when Deleted:
                     Deduplicate Data?: No
  Processes For Identifying Duplicates:
             Duplicate Data Not Stored:
                        Auto-copy Mode: Client
Contains Data Deduplicated by Client?: No

tsm: ARDTSM1>

On 3/25/2020 3:01 PM, Sasa Drnjevic wrote:
q stgpool NEXTPOOL f=d

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