We only see this request coming up on occasion ... mostly for the use case 
outlined in this post. We do have this in our backlog, but it hasn't hit 
peak demand yet to target it for delivery. For now, the scripting/macro 
method outlined below is what IBM recommends. 


"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 02/13/2020 
09:22:35 AM:

> From: Erwann SIMON <erwann.si...@free.fr>
> Date: 02/13/2020 09:23 AM
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Moving all containers from one storage to a new 
> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
> Hallo Michael,
> Thanks for your feedback ! 
> I hope that SP developpers/product managers have an eye on the 
> list... Del maybe?
> -- 
> Best regards / Cordialement / مع تحياتي
> Erwann SIMON
> ----- Mail original -----
> De: "MM" <michael.mal...@mm-it.at>
> Envoyé: Jeudi 13 Février 2020 12:05:23
> Objet: Re: [ADSM-L] Moving all containers from one storage to a new one
> Hallo Erwann,
> you don't miss something.... i was also wondering.. and I'm still very
> astonished,that since the release of TSM/ISP 7.1.3 - Sept 2015 the "move
> container" command has not been improved with a wildcard functionality.
> Like the "select" approach you already suggested:
> In my ISP Update Workshop I've included a "select"  and a "TSM/ISP 
> script" exercise which helps to overcome the current "one container 
> move" restriction.
> Although you know of course how to do it by yourself, may be that 
> helps a little bit and may be it is a "trigger"  for the TSM/ISP 
> developers to improve the move container command.
> move all container files from one directory to another.
> 1.) select:
> select 'move container ' ,CONTAINER_NAME, ' defrag=no 
> stgpooldirectory=c:\TARGET_DIR' from CONTAINERS where 
> upper(STGPOOLDIR_NAME)='C:\SOURCE_DIR'  > c:\move_container.mac
> 2.) TSM/ISP Script with variables - just an example...:
> del script mc
> def script mc desc='Create all Move container commands from one 
stgpooldir to
> another one'
> upd script mc '/* --------------------*/'
> upd script mc '/* Script Name: MC */'
> upd script mc '/* Description: Move all Containers from one */'
> upd script mc '/* Author M. Malitz January 2017*/'
> upd script mc '/* add defrag=no January 2019*/'
> upd script mc '/* */'
> upd script mc '/* */'
> upd script mc '/* Parameter 1: Source stgpool directory */'
> upd script mc '/* Parameter 2: In which storage pool */'
> upd script mc '/* Parameter 3: Target stgpool directory */'
> upd script mc '/* */'
> upd script mc '/* */'
> upd script mc '/* */'
> upd script mc '/* Example: run mc c:dir1 cont_b2 c:\dir2 > c:\out.mac 
> upd script mc '/* */'
> upd script mc '/* Attention - NAME-Parameters are case sensitive */'
> upd script mc '/* */'
> upd script mc '/* */'
> UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I "" '
> UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I "" '
> UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I "Source Directory is: $1" '
> UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I "Storage Pool is:       $2" '
> UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I "Target Directory is:  $3" '
> UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I "" '
> UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I "Pls use only the MOVE CONTAINER lines - 
MM" '
> UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I ".. you can also use dsmadmc 
-dataonly=yes " '
> UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I "" '
> upd script mc "select 'move container '||substr(CONTAINER_NAME,1,35)||- 
> upd script mc "' defrag=no stgpooldirectory=$3' from CONTAINERS where -"
> upd script mc "STGPOOL_NAME=upper('$2') and -"
> upd script mc "STGPOOLDIR_NAME='$1' and state <> 'PENDING' "
> best rgds Michael Malitz
> from Vienna/Austria
> > Erwann SIMON <erwann.si...@free.fr> hat am 12. Februar 2020 um 20:
> 50 geschrieben:
> > 
> > 
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I'm about to move all my containers (20+ directories, 25k+ 
> containers, 150TB physical space used) to a new storage. Has someone
> already done that ?
> > 
> > Reading the fine manual again, I'm surprised that the move 
> container command does not offer to easily move all containers for a
> directory and that we're not allowed to use wildcard within the 
> container name. I know how to script a move container command for 
> each of the 22k+ containers I have to move but I'm wondering why I 
> have to do this ?
> > Did I miss something int the documentation ?
> > 
> > Thanks !
> > 
> > -- 
> > Best regards / Cordialement / مع تحياتي
> > Erwann SIMON

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