Hallo Erwann,

you don't miss something.... i was also wondering.. and I'm still very
astonished,that since the release of TSM/ISP 7.1.3 - Sept 2015 the "move
container" command has not been improved with a wildcard functionality.

Like the "select" approach you already suggested:

In my ISP Update Workshop I've included a "select"  and a "TSM/ISP script" 
exercise which helps to overcome the current "one container move" restriction.

Although you know of course how to do it by yourself, may be that helps a 
little bit and may be it is a "trigger"  for the TSM/ISP developers to improve 
the move container command.

move all container files from one directory to another.

1.) select:

select 'move container ' ,CONTAINER_NAME, ' defrag=no  
stgpooldirectory=c:\TARGET_DIR' from CONTAINERS where 
upper(STGPOOLDIR_NAME)='C:\SOURCE_DIR'  > c:\move_container.mac

2.) TSM/ISP Script with variables - just an example...:

del script mc
def script mc desc='Create all Move container commands from one stgpooldir to
another one'
upd script mc '/* --------------------*/'
upd script mc '/* Script Name: MC */'
upd script mc '/* Description: Move all Containers from one */'
upd script mc '/* Author M. Malitz January 2017*/'
upd script mc '/* add defrag=no January 2019*/'
upd script mc '/* */'
upd script mc '/* */'
upd script mc '/* Parameter 1: Source stgpool directory */'
upd script mc '/* Parameter 2: In which storage pool */'
upd script mc '/* Parameter 3: Target stgpool directory */'
upd script mc '/* */'
upd script mc '/* */'
upd script mc '/* */'
upd script mc '/* Example: run mc c:dir1 cont_b2 c:\dir2 > c:\out.mac */'
upd script mc '/* */'
upd script mc '/* Attention - NAME-Parameters are case sensitive */'
upd script mc '/* */'
upd script mc '/* */'
UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I "" '
UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I "" '
UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I "Source Directory is: $1" '
UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I "Storage Pool is:       $2" '
UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I "Target Directory is:  $3" '
UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I "" '
UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I "Pls use only the MOVE CONTAINER lines - MM" '
UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I ".. you can also use dsmadmc -dataonly=yes " '
UPD SCRIPT MC 'issue message I "" '
upd script mc "select 'move container '||substr(CONTAINER_NAME,1,35)||- "
upd script mc "' defrag=no stgpooldirectory=$3' from CONTAINERS where -"
upd script mc "STGPOOL_NAME=upper('$2') and -"
upd script mc "STGPOOLDIR_NAME='$1' and state <> 'PENDING' "

best rgds Michael Malitz
from Vienna/Austria

> Erwann SIMON <erwann.si...@free.fr> hat am 12. Februar 2020 um 20:50 
> geschrieben:
> Hi all,
> I'm about to move all my containers (20+ directories, 25k+ containers, 150TB 
> physical space used) to a new storage. Has someone already done that ?
> Reading the fine manual again, I'm surprised that the move container command 
> does not offer to easily move all containers for a directory and that we're 
> not allowed to use wildcard within the container name. I know how to script a 
> move container command for each of the 22k+ containers I have to move but I'm 
> wondering why I have to do this ?
> Did I miss something int the documentation ?
> Thanks !
> -- 
> Best regards / Cordialement / مع تحياتي
> Erwann SIMON

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