Hi all,
after Zoltan had asked for Ubuntu as Server Platform some days ago, i
want to share my experience with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS:
YES, I do know, Ubuntu 18.04 is still not supported by IBM ... even
after 1.5 years on market ... but setting up a new server i also won't
take an OS with a only limited support time left.
using a blank new Ubuntu 18.04 server the binary installation step of SP
8.1.{6-8} works fine.
Setting up a new instance neither using the dsmicfgx wizard nor doing it
manually in shell will succeed, you'll get an ANR0162W and ANR0236E error.
unfortunately neither the ANR0162W nor the ANR0236E desciption leads the
the solution.
in summary, just one lib ("libaio1") is missing, but never mentioned.
Trying the solution for "ANR0236E fail on restart", gave me the
necessary hint.
if you like, read the full story described here:
I was able to reproduce the it on all versions 8.1.{6-8}. SP8.1.9 i
haven't tried by now.
Bjørn Nachtwey
Arbeitsgruppe "IT-Infrastruktur“
Tel.: +49 551 201-2181, E-Mail: bjoern.nacht...@gwdg.de
Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG)
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