Hello Guys/Girls, I discoverd something "strange" during a Full restore on production.
On Windows server 2016 (+ windows 10) since Spectrum protect (tsm) version 8.1.x the SystemState restore is not more possible (deprecated) on the online machine. Instreat everyone should build a WinPE customized to do the boot and bareMetal Restore. I spend some hour playing that, builting images but Is still have no solutions to recover the initial server. By chance I was able to move the server function to a temporary server. Any one as a standard build to boot-up or some experience? What I offcially found is: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/wikis/home?lang=en#!/wiki/Tivoli%20Storage%20Manager/page/Creating%20Bootable%20WinPE%20Media%20for%20Recovery%20of%20Microsoft%20Windows%20Server%202016%20and%20Microsoft%20Windows%2010 but not easy as describet. Grazie Sincerely Maurizio