IMHO Spectrum Protect cloud pools are more for deep archive/low tier options, not for secondary server DR options. It's simply to slow for 90%+ of the DR cases and I believe that's why it's not a traditional copypool option. You tier data to the cloud because you don't want to keep buying frame for your tapelibrary or expansion units for your disk storage subsystem that holds data you don't need to restore at high speeds. It's not for operation protection, it's for expanding your capacity in the cloud for long term retention of rarely accessed items. It's basically the exact opposite of the the container pool.
Again, that's how I see it, IBM's view might be very different. :-) On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 11:58 AM adsm consulting <> wrote: > Hi everyone, > I have 2 spectrum protect 8.1.4 servers spread over two locations. > The server on the primary site is the largest one, it makes backups to > directory container storage pool, and protects the storage pool locally to > the Tape Library. > The company plans to dispose of the tape library and tape DRM rotation, but > there is not enough backend storage on the secondary site to be able to > receive the primary SP server replication. > At this point I wonder if it is possible on the secondary server, implement > cloud pool storage container as target of the primary SP server. > Has anyone implemented a solution like this? > [IBM-SPA] ---> [IBM-SPB] > (SPDCVE_DISK) (SPDCVE_CLOUD) > > > I wonder why IBM has not yet implemented the protect storage pool directly > on the cloud, it seems absurd that from 7.1.3 to 8.1.6 still the cloud > storage pools have not been considered as a native solution of DR. > > Thank you. > JP >