Hi everyone,
I have 2 spectrum protect 8.1.4 servers spread over two locations.
The server on the primary site is the largest one, it makes backups to
directory container storage pool, and protects the storage pool locally to
the Tape Library.
The company plans to dispose of the tape library and tape DRM rotation, but
there is not enough backend storage on the secondary site to be able to
receive the primary SP server replication.
At this point I wonder if it is possible on the secondary server, implement
cloud pool storage container as target of the primary SP server.
Has anyone implemented a solution like this?
  [IBM-SPA]   --->    [IBM-SPB]

I wonder why IBM has not yet implemented the protect storage pool directly
on the cloud, it seems absurd that from 7.1.3 to 8.1.6  still the cloud
storage pools have not been considered as a native solution of DR.

Thank you.

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