
I have a similar issue TSM AIX -> Data Domain.  Have dual 10Gb links, 
but can only get ~4000 writes/sec and 120MB/sec throughput. AIX only supports 
NFS3, and as others have pointed out in this forum recently, the stack does not 
have a good reputation.

I'm finding that the heavy NFS load has other knock on effects, e.g. TSMManager 
keeps reporting the instance offline when it's very busy as it gets a network 
error on some of its regular queries, but these work ok when load is light.  
Also getting a lot of Severed/reconnected sessions.  CPU/IO/Paging are not a 



Steven Harris
TSM Admin/Consultant
Canberra Australia

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Zoltan 
Sent: Saturday, 12 May 2018 1:39 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] ISILON storage/FILE DEVCLASS performance issues


ISP on RHEL 6   10G connectivity

We need some guidance on trying to figure out why ISP/TSM write perform to 
ISILON storage (via FILE DEVCLASS) is so horrible.

We recently attached 200TB of ISILON storage to this server so we could empty 
the 36TB of onboard disk drives to move this server to new hardware.

However, per my OS and SAN folks, we are only seeing 1Gbs level of data 
movement from the ISP server.  Doing a regular file copy to this same storage 
peaks at 10Gbs speeds.

So what, if anything, are we doing wrong when it comes to configuring the 
storage for ISP to use?  Are there some secret controls/settings/options to 
tell it to use the storage at max-speeds?

We tried changing the Est/Max capacity thinking larger files would reduce the 
overhead of allocating new pieces constantly.  Changed the Mount Limit to a 
bigger number.  Nothing has helped.

Only thing uses the storage right now is migrations from the original disk 

*Zoltan Forray*
Spectrum Protect (p.k.a. TSM) Software & Hardware Administrator Xymon Monitor 
Administrator VMware Administrator Virginia Commonwealth University UCC/Office 
of Technology Services www.ucc.vcu.edu zfor...@vcu.edu - 804-828-4807 Don't be 
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