
  you didn't tell us anything about the network layout. Let's play with some

 --------------------                           -----------------
|     TSMClient      |                         |  TSM-Server     | 
|                    |                         |                 |
| 1-GB (  |---------(router)--------| x-GB (  |
|                    |          |              |                 |
| 10-GB ( |----------|               -----------------

Depending on your default route, traffic not destined within your network
(1.1.1.x/24) will be routed via the adapter associated with the default route.

If you would like to send all traffic destined for the TSM-Server (
should go via the 10-GB Adapter, you will have to add a host-route defining
all traffic for to go via aka the 10-GB adapter and thus
ignoring the default route.

Michael Prix

On Thu, 2017-08-31 at 14:46 +0000, Loon, Eric van (ITOPT3) - KLM wrote:
> Hi guys!
> I have tested in the past with 10 Gb attached Linux clients and everything
> worked fine, but now we will add a 10 Gb card to a host which is already
> connected to 1 Gb. So this host has two possible paths to the server. How
> can I make sure the TSM client uses the 10 Gb adapter only? I read something
> about the TCPClientAddress parameter, but according to the manual that is
> only for the server to the client (restore), not for the client to the
> server (backup).
> Thanks for your help in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Eric van Loon
> Air France/KLM Storage Engineering
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