That is good to know Stefan, it makes sense to so thank you!
I used the schedule again and it returns the same ANS9377E.
And Del, I am editing the correct .opt file, i made a typo and restarted
the dm cad but that gave an error, fixed the typo and it worked again so I
know it's working and the correct stuff is in the correct .opt file.
I created the .opt files and tag-related stuff for the .opt file with the
VE gui and it matches the documentation.
A manual VM backup doesn't start either with nothing in the logs.

The vCenter appliance is 6u2 so supported.

It's very strange and log entries are so limited that I don't know where to

On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 3:43 PM, Stefan Bender <>

> Hello Stefan,
> these tags are to configure backup schedules. Not to configure "ad hoc"
> backups via "dsmc backup vm".
> If you want to use tags, please set up your scheduler service to execute
> the backups.
> When you look at your command below it contains the domain statement for
> using tags: -domain.vmfull="Schedule-Tag"
> The tag in VMware is the schedule name, like "DAILY_VM_INCR_BACKUP". The
> dsmc command does not have any linkage to the schedule name.
> Only the scheduler service knows the schedule name, when it is started. It
> gets that information from the Spectrum Protect server.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards
>                 Stefan Bender
> IBM Deutschland / Am Weiher 24 / 65451 Kelsterbach / Germany
> IBM Software Development "IBM Spectrum Protect"
> Tel. ++49-7034-643-2773 / email:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------
> IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH / Vorsitzende des
> Aufsichtsrats: Martina Koederitz
> Geschäftsführung: Dirk Wittkopp
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Böblingen / Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart,
> HRB 243294
> From:   Stefan Folkerts <>
> Date:   15.03.2017 14:42
> Subject:        [ADSM-L] digging deeper with VE tagging support possible?
> Sent by:        "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
> Hi all,
> I'm having some issues running and VMware tagging support.
> I keep getting the message "ANS9377E No virtual machine is specified on
> the
> Back VM command or the virtual machine domain list could not be processed"
> dsm.opt has "vmtagdatamover yes" set and can log into vCenter and see all
> the VM's
> I can select the datamover and compatible schedule in vCenter webclient
> I attached the schedule to a folder that contains a VM that is not
> excluded
> from this backup.
> I backup using the schedule created via the OC (attached to datamover)
> and a .cmd script on the datamover:
> dsmc backup vm -domain.vmfull="Schedule-Tag" -vmbackuptype=FULLVM
> -asnodename=<DCNODE> -MODE=IFINCR
> I can't get it to work and there is no log information that will help me,
> has anybody seen this before?
> Thanks.

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