Hello Stefan,
these tags are to configure backup schedules. Not to configure "ad hoc" 
backups via "dsmc backup vm". 
If you want to use tags, please set up your scheduler service to execute 
the backups. 

When you look at your command below it contains the domain statement for 
using tags: -domain.vmfull="Schedule-Tag"
The tag in VMware is the schedule name, like "DAILY_VM_INCR_BACKUP". The 
dsmc command does not have any linkage to the schedule name. 

Only the scheduler service knows the schedule name, when it is started. It 
gets that information from the Spectrum Protect server. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards

                Stefan Bender

IBM Deutschland / Am Weiher 24 / 65451 Kelsterbach / Germany 

IBM Software Development "IBM Spectrum Protect" 
Tel. ++49-7034-643-2773 / email: stefan.ben...@de.ibm.com
IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH / Vorsitzende des 
Aufsichtsrats: Martina Koederitz
Geschäftsführung: Dirk Wittkopp
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Böblingen / Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, 
HRB 243294 

From:   Stefan Folkerts <stefan.folke...@gmail.com>
Date:   15.03.2017 14:42
Subject:        [ADSM-L] digging deeper with VE tagging support possible?
Sent by:        "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>

Hi all,

I'm having some issues running and VMware tagging support.
I keep getting the message "ANS9377E No virtual machine is specified on 
Back VM command or the virtual machine domain list could not be processed"

dsm.opt has "vmtagdatamover yes" set and can log into vCenter and see all
the VM's
I can select the datamover and compatible schedule in vCenter webclient
I attached the schedule to a folder that contains a VM that is not 
from this backup.

I backup using the schedule created via the OC (attached to datamover)
and a .cmd script on the datamover:

dsmc backup vm -domain.vmfull="Schedule-Tag" -vmbackuptype=FULLVM
-asnodename=<DCNODE> -MODE=IFINCR

I can't get it to work and there is no log information that will help me,
has anybody seen this before?


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