check if your /etc/hosts file contains all of the IP addresses of the
host and hostnames (including localhost).


Sasa Drnjevic

On 13.2.2017. 23:38, .Maurizio TERUZZI wrote:
> hello,
> I'm trying to configure the TSM instance but I have trouble on the first
> step of the wizard, after press the first NEXT I receive the Error:
> Cannot start The Wizard, error establishing local connection for wizard
> validation.
> What I checked (1-; 2- hostname, 3- FQDN)
> - SSH connection (all 3 possibility works);
> - PING connection (all 3 possibility works);
> - instance folder right ok;
> - I'm logger with instance user.
> I was looking for the logfile without success.
> PrintScreen available on demand.
> Thansk
> Maurizio

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