On 13.1.2017. 9:17, Conny Landstedt wrote: > Hi, > > The same target container pool for both PROTECT STG and REPLICATE > NODE, otherwise the whole concept of combining them fails. > > This IBM Technote goes further into the matter > http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21978041 > > Best regards Conny Landstedt
Hi, and thank you for the link. The following is clearly stated in that IBM Technote: "It is perfectly possible to replicate objects from a source container pool to a target traditional VOLUME based storage pool (such as tape)." My question - is it possible to replicate the other way around? >From traditional VOLUME based storage pool as a source to a target container pool? At the moment we are replicating from a traditional VOLUME based storage pool (DISK and TAPE) to another remote location traditional DISK based storage pool. But, I would like to replace the target stg pool with the container pool to save disk space at the remote location. Thank you. -- Sasa Drnjevic www.srce.unizg.hr > > **** > > Hi to all > > A question to people using PROTECT STG and REPLICATE NODE what will > be the best practice to use in the target side for STGPOOL > > One STG for the protect stg and another STG for the replicate nodes > , or only one for everything ??? > > Both TSM servers version 7.1.7 with O.S Windows 2012 64B > > Best Regards > > Robert >