Dear all,
On Wed, 2016-11-16 at 11:02 +0000, Nachtwey, Bjoern wrote: > the language can easily set to "en_US" by a PRESCHEDCMD, so the trick is to > add just one line to the dsm.sys file: > > 1st i have to apologize, because there's a typo > PRESCHEDCMD "export LANG=en_US" Should be PRESCHEDULECMD "export LANG=en_US" :-) > That's a clever hack and it is surprising if it works. Yes, it looks so simple, I wonder if it's really the solution > I would have assumed that PRESCHEDCMD forks a new shell process, and the > parent process would do the backup and not inherit the environment from the > child process. > Here's an IBM document about the topic: > > Personally I would use LC_CTYPE=POSIX (or LC_CTYPE=C) if the scnenario is as > follows: > >- system locale is UTF-8 (typical for any modern setup) >- most file names are in UTF-8 or plain ASCII >- but some files have file names in ISO-8859-1 or other 8-bit single byte >character set. > >LANG=en_US works too (and that's what IBM recommends), but to me it feels >wrong. Well, due to the IBM document i choose, "en_US", but i will check LC_CYTPE also. Thanks & best regards Bjørn