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As one of my high school teachers used to say, "Da liegt der Hund begraben"= . They have IP addresses in their opt files. I have not done that before. They don't match their current ip addresses...but still, why do the manuall= y triggered schedules work? -----Original Message----- From: Huebschman, George=20 Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 3:05 PM To: 'ADSM: Dist Stor Manager' Subject: RE: Prompted Clients Missing backups Thomas, Thanks for your help! The one time backups are run during the day. The regular daily backups occ= ur in the evening and early morning. =20 - If it were related to network maintenance, other servers would have the s= ame problem. - These servers were moved to VM after our SAN incident occurred. The prob= lem started then. They actually ran after the SAN blinked but before they = went to VM. Other clients on the same VM work fine. They were rather rush= ed into VM. I wonder if things were copied that should have been configure= d. - The environment is nearly global and these are production servers. It i= s unlikely that they would be shut down day after day after local close of = business. - I did ask specifically if there are any routine time of day changes to th= e network, but no. - Changes without an approved change order are resume inducing events. (Oth= er than things like recycling a CAD.) I heard a little earlier today that several of them are being moved to back= up on a different TSM server in a different network with new IPs. They will be someone else's concern then, but it will be interesting to see= what happens. -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Th= omas Denier Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 2:14 PM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Prompted Clients Missing backups Are the one time schedule tests run at about the same time of day as the fa= iling daily schedules? If not, the missed backups are probably the result o= f some change in the environment with time of day. The most obvious possibi= lity is that someone is routinely shutting down the problem children just b= efore leaving work and starting them up just after arriving at work. More e= xotic possibilities would include network maintenance or upgrades that are = being performed piecemeal outside of office hours. Thomas Denier Thomas Jefferson University -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Hu= ebschman, George Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 11:23 To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: [ADSM-L] Prompted Clients Missing backups Hello everyone, TSM server - Server Version 6, Release 3, Level 5.100 TSM server is on AIX,= I am having an ongoing problem with a small set clients that Miss nightly b= ackups. All our client schedules are server prompted. They worked just fine before an incident had where the SAN was disrupted. I go in daily and restart the dsmcad. There are no errors in the dsmerror.log or dsmsched.log. There are entries in the dsmsched.log that show the time scheduled for the = daily backup was picked up early in the day, but then nothing happens. (It seems that that might be irrelevant given that they are server prompted= , I have not worked with server prompted sched's before.) These are Windows= servers. To get these servers to backup up, instead of running a manual dsmc -i from= the client, we have a manually triggered "ONCE" backup script that creates= a one time backup schedule for that client, then runs it immediately. All that the script does is copy the existing schedule, prefix it with "ON= CE_", then change the schedule date and time to (startd=3Dtoday startt=3Dno= w perunits=3Donetime). THAT works: So communication from the TSM server to the client should not be a problem. And compatibility between the client versions and the TSM Server version sh= ould not be an issue. So, if it can work by schedule, why doesn't it? I get these error messages in the actlog: ANR2716E Schedule prompter was not able to contact client <prob_child_1> u= sing type 1 ( nnnn) User response: Verify that the address type and address are correct for thi= s client. The only valid address type is 1 (for TCP/IP). Make sure that the= client scheduler is not using an invalid address, obtained at the time the= client scheduler was started, from either the client's options file or fro= m the command line. Verify that the client scheduler for node node name is = running and that the necessary communication links to that scheduler are op= erational. Firewalls must allow traffic from the server to the client and f= rom the client to the server without the session timing out. Ensure that th= e DNS configuration is correct. Clients are not identical: Node Name: <Prob_child_1> Client Version: Version 6, release 4, level 2.0 Locked?: No Compression: Client Last Communication Method Used: Tcp/Ip Maximum Mount Points Allowed: 1 Session Initiation: ClientOrServer Deduplication: ClientOrServer Hypervisor: Client OS Name: WIN:Windows Server 2008 R2 Client Processor Architecture: x64 Node Name: <Prob_child_2> Client Version: Version 7, release 1, level 6.0 Invalid Sign-on Count: 0 Locked?: No Compression: Client Last Communication Method Used: Tcp/Ip Maximum Mount Points Allowed: 1 Session Initiation: ClientOrServer Deduplication: ServerOnly Hypervisor: VMware Client OS Name: WIN:Windows Server 2012 R2 Client Processor Architecture: x64 George Huebschman ***************************************************************************= *** This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the us= e of the individual or agency to whom they are addressed. 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