Thomas, Thanks for your help! The one time backups are run during the day. The regular daily backups occur in the evening and early morning.
- If it were related to network maintenance, other servers would have the same problem. - These servers were moved to VM after our SAN incident occurred. The problem started then. They actually ran after the SAN blinked but before they went to VM. Other clients on the same VM work fine. They were rather rushed into VM. I wonder if things were copied that should have been configured. - The environment is nearly global and these are production servers. It is unlikely that they would be shut down day after day after local close of business. - I did ask specifically if there are any routine time of day changes to the network, but no. - Changes without an approved change order are resume inducing events. (Other than things like recycling a CAD.) I heard a little earlier today that several of them are being moved to backup on a different TSM server in a different network with new IPs. They will be someone else's concern then, but it will be interesting to see what happens. -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Thomas Denier Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 2:14 PM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Prompted Clients Missing backups Are the one time schedule tests run at about the same time of day as the failing daily schedules? If not, the missed backups are probably the result of some change in the environment with time of day. The most obvious possibility is that someone is routinely shutting down the problem children just before leaving work and starting them up just after arriving at work. More exotic possibilities would include network maintenance or upgrades that are being performed piecemeal outside of office hours. Thomas Denier Thomas Jefferson University -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Huebschman, George Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 11:23 To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: [ADSM-L] Prompted Clients Missing backups Hello everyone, TSM server - Server Version 6, Release 3, Level 5.100 TSM server is on AIX, I am having an ongoing problem with a small set clients that Miss nightly backups. All our client schedules are server prompted. They worked just fine before an incident had where the SAN was disrupted. I go in daily and restart the dsmcad. There are no errors in the dsmerror.log or dsmsched.log. There are entries in the dsmsched.log that show the time scheduled for the daily backup was picked up early in the day, but then nothing happens. (It seems that that might be irrelevant given that they are server prompted, I have not worked with server prompted sched's before.) These are Windows servers. To get these servers to backup up, instead of running a manual dsmc -i from the client, we have a manually triggered "ONCE" backup script that creates a one time backup schedule for that client, then runs it immediately. All that the script does is copy the existing schedule, prefix it with "ONCE_", then change the schedule date and time to (startd=today startt=now perunits=onetime). THAT works: So communication from the TSM server to the client should not be a problem. And compatibility between the client versions and the TSM Server version should not be an issue. So, if it can work by schedule, why doesn't it? I get these error messages in the actlog: ANR2716E Schedule prompter was not able to contact client <prob_child_1> using type 1 ( nnnn) User response: Verify that the address type and address are correct for this client. The only valid address type is 1 (for TCP/IP). Make sure that the client scheduler is not using an invalid address, obtained at the time the client scheduler was started, from either the client's options file or from the command line. Verify that the client scheduler for node node name is running and that the necessary communication links to that scheduler are operational. Firewalls must allow traffic from the server to the client and from the client to the server without the session timing out. Ensure that the DNS configuration is correct. Clients are not identical: Node Name: <Prob_child_1> Client Version: Version 6, release 4, level 2.0 Locked?: No Compression: Client Last Communication Method Used: Tcp/Ip Maximum Mount Points Allowed: 1 Session Initiation: ClientOrServer Deduplication: ClientOrServer Hypervisor: Client OS Name: WIN:Windows Server 2008 R2 Client Processor Architecture: x64 Node Name: <Prob_child_2> Client Version: Version 7, release 1, level 6.0 Invalid Sign-on Count: 0 Locked?: No Compression: Client Last Communication Method Used: Tcp/Ip Maximum Mount Points Allowed: 1 Session Initiation: ClientOrServer Deduplication: ServerOnly Hypervisor: VMware Client OS Name: WIN:Windows Server 2012 R2 Client Processor Architecture: x64 George Huebschman ****************************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or agency to whom they are addressed. 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