Hi Bo!
I doubt if that will be possible at all. Both the message as the part you would 
like to get rid of (SESSION: 113123) have a variable length. If CHARINDEX was 
supported you could have used LEFT(message, CHARINDEX('(SESSION' )) to return 
everything left of (SESSION, but unfortunately it isn't...
Kind regards,
Eric van Loon
Air France/KLM Storage Engineering

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Bo 
Sent: vrijdag 7 oktober 2016 11:40
Subject: Help to Operational Report.

I try to create a select in Operational Report, but I need some help.
I want to display Missed file details for a couple of nodes, as in the standard 
I can't figure out the last of the the message.
My select:
    select nodename, substr(char(date_time), 1, 20) as TME, 
substr(char(message), 16, 88) as MSG from actlog where (msgno=4005 or 
msgno=4007 or msgno=4018 or msgno=4037 or msgno=4987) and 
date_time>(current_timestamp-24 hours) and domainname='LINUX_DOMAIN_SQKO'
My output:
       '/var/log/secure' changed during processing. Object skipped. (SESSION: 
113123) I don't want . (SESSION: 113123)


Bo Nielsen

IT Service

Technical University of Denmark

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  • Help to O... Bo Nielsen
    • Re: ... Loon, Eric van (ITOPT3) - KLM
    • Re: ... David Ehresman
    • Re: ... Schofield, Neil (Storage & Middleware, Backup & Restore)
      • ... Bo Nielsen

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