I try to create a select in Operational Report, but I need some help. I want to display Missed file details for a couple of nodes, as in the standard Report. I can't figure out the last of the the message. My select: select nodename, substr(char(date_time), 1, 20) as TME, substr(char(message), 16, 88) as MSG from actlog where (msgno=4005 or msgno=4007 or msgno=4018 or msgno=4037 or msgno=4987) and date_time>(current_timestamp-24 hours) and domainname='LINUX_DOMAIN_SQKO' My output: '/var/log/secure' changed during processing. Object skipped. (SESSION: 113123) I don't want . (SESSION: 113123)
Regards Bo Nielsen IT Service Technical University of Denmark IT Service Frederiksborgvej 399 Building 109 DK - 4000 Roskilde Denmark Mobil +45 2337 0271 boa...@dtu.dk<mailto:boa...@dtu.dk>