We, as well have experienced this. I have an environment I can
occasionally test issues out on and did some research on browsers
running on MacOS X and Solaris. Not sure if other platforms experience
the same problems with the same browsers, but FYI this is what I found:
The correct behavior can be verified by opening a dsmadmc text client
and the browser at the same time. When the browser session logs into the
admin interface, the TSM session will establish and then clear
immediately - a "q ses" from within dsmadmc will not show the browser
session unless you are really lucky and get the "q ses" timed perfectly.
From within the the browser, drill down to active sessions and you will
see the browser session listed along with the dsmadmc session. This is
the correct manner for the scripts to execute, the browser session only
actively connects while a command from it is executed. Any other "open"
session would be a security problem since the connection can be spoofed
and another person could have full admin rights to your TSM server.
Here's my results:
Correctly working browsers: Netscape 4.7x and Mozilla 0.8.1 on Solaris -
iCab, Classic's Netscape 4.7x, Classic's Internet Explorer 5.5 on MacOS
Incorrect browsers: Internet Explorer 5.1 Preview, OMNIWeb 4.0 freeze 3
and Fizzilla (Mozilla port to Mac) on MacOS X - Internet Explorer 5.x
from VirtualPC Windows Emulation in MacOS X.
With the script errors I experience with IE 5.1Pre in MacOS X I suspect
the problem is more on the side of the browser than the TSM server. I
had the same results against ADSM 3.1 and TSM 3.7, didn't have a TSM 4.1
server to test against. I suppose the TSM WebAdmin code could be
adjusted to better handle the broken browsers, but you know how that
goes. For now, test and find out which browser available to you
functions correctly for your platform and stick with it. As other
browsers are updated, retest if you'd prefer a different "standard"
browser or what have.
On Wednesday, April 25, 2001, at 04:14 AM, Steve Schaub wrote:
> Sam,
> We had the exact same problem - caused by Win95 or WinNT desktops
> accessing the TSM web admin interface using Microsoft InternetExplorer
> 5.0. Each login spawned at least 2 "phantom" ? sessions, and 3 or more
> of these would drive our AIX system to 100% and leave it there.
> Upgrading to IE 5.5 "fixed" the problem for us, even though neither MS
> or Tivoli owned up to any bug. Good luck!
> Steve Schaub
> Haworth, Inc
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/24 5:45 PM >>>
> Anyone seen this? Every so often I see two(2) sessions appear when I
> QUERY SESSION that appear to come from a WebBrowser platform with a
> Client
> Name "?". When this happens the CPU utilization begins to climb and
> with 3
> of these sessions the CPU can be will into the 80% range or highter..
> It
> always seems to appear in pairs. I think it may be spawned by some
> command
> I'm issuing from the command line, but I don't know which one. When I
> notice the 'happening' and cancel the sessions, the CPU comes right down
> and all is well.
> Has any on else seen this happen? AIX platform, TSM 4.1.2 and I'm
> generally logged in via the Web interface when it occurs.
> Sam Schrage
> 615-360-4716