Yes, we have seen that also with 3.7 server. I don't know if there is a fix from
Tivoli, but it happens just like you describe. Have seen comments from others too.
David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH 321.434.5536
Pager 321.634.8230
Fax: 321.434.5525
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/24/01 05:45PM >>>
Anyone seen this? Every so often I see two(2) sessions appear when I
QUERY SESSION that appear to come from a WebBrowser platform with a Client
Name "?". When this happens the CPU utilization begins to climb and with 3
of these sessions the CPU can be will into the 80% range or highter.. It
always seems to appear in pairs. I think it may be spawned by some command
I'm issuing from the command line, but I don't know which one. When I
notice the 'happening' and cancel the sessions, the CPU comes right down
and all is well.
Has any on else seen this happen? AIX platform, TSM 4.1.2 and I'm
generally logged in via the Web interface when it occurs.
Sam Schrage
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