You should see 1 dbvol indeed. We have our ADSM diskpools and db on an ESS
subsystem. This ESS is attached thru 4 fibers so bandwith or i/o-wait should
not be the problem.

Our dialy backup process involves many systems, about 75 NT boxes with user
data and some 50 AIX boxes. THe user data mutates very much and on many AIX
boxes we do offline oracle archives.

Our server is an S70 with 4GB ram running aix 4.3.3 and ADSM

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Namens David
Verzonden: dinsdag 17 april 2001 16:16
Onderwerp: Re: Expiration

Is this a one time problem or has been happening awhile?  Are other
processes or sessions going on at same time?   Do a q log and see if it is
ful or near full.   Do you have archive data or just backups?  I have seen
occaisional times when expiration seems to go slow at some points,
especially if deleting a lot of objects and other things happening at same

I see you have 1 physical volune where I have it spread over 24. That may be
part of difference.  Look at iostat and see about disk usage.  You may have
high I/O wait.

My cache hit % is 98-99%.  Have a 13 GB database and expiration runs in
about 2 hours each day with generally 2 reclamation processes running at
same time.  Have TSM on AIX 4.3.3 on RS6000 F50 (2x 332Mhz CPU) with

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH      321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230
Fax:    321.434.5525

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/17/01 09:44AM >>>

expiration runs very, very, very slow. Only 16 objects in 20 minutes time.
We have ADSM on an S70 machine with 4GB Memory AIX 4.3.3.
Does anyone know what my problem is????
adsm> q db f=d
Available Space (MB): 19,300, Assigned Capacity (MB): 17,964, Maximum
Extension (MB): 1,336, Maximum Reduction (MB): 3,740, Page Size (bytes):
4,096, Total Usable Pages: 4,598,784, Used Pages: 3,315,954, Pct Util: 72.1,
Max. Pct Util: 72.1, Physical Volumes: 1, Buffer Pool Pages: 32,768, Total
Buffer Requests: 651,353,008, Cache Hit Pct.: 98.34, Cache Wait Pct.: 0.00,
Backup in Progress?: No, Type of Backup In Progress:, Incrementals Since
Last Full: 0, Changed Since Last Backup (MB): 1,759.66, Percentage Changed:
13.58, Last Complete Backup Date/Time: 04/16/01 17:00:39.

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