From: Matthew Glanville
This is probably that archive expiration problem. I forget the APAR.
run expire inventory like this:
expire inventory skipdirs=yes
That should let it run fast again...
Matt Glanville
Eastman Kodak Company
Bert Moonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04/17/2001 09:44:01 AM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc: (bcc: Matthew Glanville/437358/EKC)
Subject: Expiration
expiration runs very, very, very slow. Only 16 objects in 20 minutes time.
We have ADSM on an S70 machine with 4GB Memory AIX 4.3.3.
Does anyone know what my problem is????
adsm> q db f=d
Available Space (MB): 19,300, Assigned Capacity (MB): 17,964, Maximum
Extension (MB): 1,336, Maximum Reduction (MB): 3,740, Page Size (bytes):
4,096, Total Usable Pages: 4,598,784, Used Pages: 3,315,954, Pct Util:
Max. Pct Util: 72.1, Physical Volumes: 1, Buffer Pool Pages: 32,768, Total
Buffer Requests: 651,353,008, Cache Hit Pct.: 98.34, Cache Wait Pct.: 0.00,
Backup in Progress?: No, Type of Backup In Progress:, Incrementals Since
Last Full: 0, Changed Since Last Backup (MB): 1,759.66, Percentage Changed:
13.58, Last Complete Backup Date/Time: 04/16/01 17:00:39.