I suspect your problem is in the INCLUDE statement:


If your intent is to bind everything in USR: to the COLLOCATE management
class, it should read:

 INCLUDE          USR:\...\*   COLLOCATE



Andy Raibeck
IBM Tivoli Systems
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
"The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked."

Louis Wiesemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 03/29/2001
08:59:21 AM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:  "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  Re: Can't Get New MGMTCLASS to Work

The select output shows that all the files being backed up, even as
recently as last night, are still using the STANDARD mgmtclass.  Below is
the configuration information you asked for in your note.

Thanks for any help.

adsm> q node fpserv1 f=d

                     Node Name: FPSERV1
                      Platform: NetWare
               Client OS Level: 5.0
                Client Version: Version 4, Release 1, Level 1.0
            Policy Domain Name: IT-LAN
         Last Access Date/Time: 03/29/2001 02:56:03
        Days Since Last Access: <1
        Password Set Date/Time: 03/26/2001 13:47:38
       Days Since Password Set: 3
         Invalid Sign-on Count: 0
                       Locked?: No
                       Contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                   Compression: Client
       Archive Delete Allowed?: Yes
        Backup Delete Allowed?: No
        Registration Date/Time: 08/12/1998 18:15:52
     Registering Administrator: DSMPDL
Last Communication Method Used: BPX-Tcp/Ip
   Bytes Received Last Session: 9,164
       Bytes Sent Last Session: 131.83 M
      Duration of Last Session: 6,175.22
   Pct. Idle Wait Last Session: 55.66
  Pct. Comm. Wait Last Session: 0.09
  Pct. Media Wait Last Session: 0.00
                     Optionset: UOFLOPT1
                     Node Type: Client
    Password Expiration Period:
             Keep Mount Point?: No
  Maximum Mount Points Allowed: 1

adsm> q mgmtclass it-lan active collocate f=d

            Policy Domain Name: IT-LAN
               Policy Set Name: ACTIVE
               Mgmt Class Name: COLLOCATE
          Default Mgmt Class ?: No
                   Description: Collocate IT-LAN Filespaces Mgmt Class,
                                 Policy, IT-LAN Domain
    Space Management Technique: None
       Auto-Migrate on Non-Use: 0
    Migration Requires Backup?: No
         Migration Destination: SPACEMGPOOL
Last Update by (administrator): LJWIES1
         Last Update Date/Time: 03/29/2001 09:03:17
              Managing profile:

adsm> q mgmtclass it-lan active standard f=d

            Policy Domain Name: IT-LAN
               Policy Set Name: ACTIVE
               Mgmt Class Name: STANDARD
          Default Mgmt Class ?: Yes
                   Description: Standard Mgmt Class, Primary Policy, IT-LAN
    Space Management Technique: None
       Auto-Migrate on Non-Use: 0
    Migration Requires Backup?: Yes
         Migration Destination: SPACEMGPOOL
Last Update by (administrator): LJWIES1
         Last Update Date/Time: 03/29/2001 09:03:18
              Managing profile:

*  client options file for Tivoli Novell NetWare client

    TCPPORT                  1500
*  -------------------------------------------------------

  NODENAME                  fpserv1

*  NetWare general excludes
*  ---------------------------------------------------------
 EXCLUDE          sys:\system\secaudit.log
 EXCLUDE          sys:\system\events.log
 EXCLUDE          sys:\system\system.log
 EXCLUDE          sys:\system\btrieve.trn
 EXCLUDE          SYS:\system\tsa\err$hst.*
 EXCLUDE          sys:\system\tsa\err$log.*
 EXCLUDE          sys:\system\tsa\skip$log.*
 EXCLUDE          sys:\system\tsa\tsa$temp.*
 EXCLUDE          sys:\system\sys$log.err
 EXCLUDE          sys:\_swap_.mem
 EXCLUDE          sys:\vol$log.err
 EXCLUDE          sys:\tts$log.err

*  NetWare Screen option
*  ---------------------------------------------------------------
*  The following option instructs the NetWare client to destroy
*  the TSM screen when quitting the dsmc program.


*****  UofL options  ******
processor 200
subdir yes
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/28/01 06:10PM >>>
Run a "select * from backups where node_name='NODENAME'" from
the TSM administrative prompt.  Find out what management class is
being used.  If the management class is DEFAULT, then either the include
statement doesn't match the objects being backed up, the management class
does not exists in the active policy for the nodes domain.  The management
class may not exist because there was a syntax error in the include
statement, the policy was not activated, or the node does not belong to the
domain where you put the new mgmtclass.

For trouble shooting post the following.
q node NODENAME  (replace nodename with the appropriate value)
q mgmtclass DOMAIN active (replace domain with the domain from q node)
dsm.opt (from the node having the problem)

James Thompson


Louis J. Wiesemann                                             502-852-8952


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list intended primarily to allow personal reflection on the Word of God.



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