Did the NetWare folks recycle the scheduler on the Novell server after
making the requisite change to the dsm.opt file?

Jack Coyle

> ----------
> From:         Louis Wiesemann[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Reply To:     ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
> Sent:         Wednesday, March 28, 2001 12:41 PM
> Subject:      Can't Get New MGMTCLASS to Work
> We are running 3.7.3 server on OS/390.  On one of our NetWare servers
> running client level 4.1.1 we wanted to start collocating a filespace we
> were not collocating before.  I defined a new management class and backup
> copygroup for it.  I pointed the copygroup to new storage pools (a disk
> pool migrating to a tape pool).  I formatted and defined volumes for the
> disk pool.  I activated the policyset with the new management class.  I
> had the NetWare people update the backup to use an include naming the new
> management class.  But when the backup runs it does not use the new
> management class.  Nothing gets written to the new storage pools.  The
> logs for the backup don't show any problems that I can relate to this.  I
> have reviewed the documentation and the list archives but have not found
> anything additional I need to do.  Am I missing something?  Does anyone
> have suggestions for where to look.
> Thanks for any ideas.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------
> Louis J. Wiesemann
> 502-852-8952
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------
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