Thanks to Wanda for posting that select statement for avg util. I add a count of full and filling for onsite TAPEPOOL and here's my results: STGPOOL_NAME STATUS AVG_PCTU ------------------ ------------------ -------- COPYPOOL FILLING 62.10 only 1 tape COPYPOOL FULL 83.76 COPYPOOL PENDING 0.00 TAPEPOOL FILLING 49.16 TAPEPOOL FULL 89.19 TAPEPOOL PENDING 0.00 ANR1487I RUN: Command return code is RC_OK (OK). NUMBER_OF_FILLING: TAPEPOOL ----------------- 148 ANR1487I RUN: Command return code is RC_OK (OK). NUMBER_OF_FULL: TAPEPOOL -------------- 54 ANR1487I RUN: Command return code is RC_OK (OK). ANR1462I RUN: Command script POOLCAPAVERAGE completed successfully Do you think having a Filling pool that's twice as large as the FULL and having it at an average of 49.16% a good mix for a system with 1000 mac/pc/unix clients that are mostly 'small'????? :-) thanks .. joe.f. Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley