A coworker tried to upgrade an AIX box with the TSM 4.1 client (from ADSM
3.something) and when she tried a backup, she got
ANS9281E Space management kernel extension is downlevel from the user
This is the 3rd AIX box she has upgraded, but she did notice that it was
the only one with HSM on it from the old ADSM installation. I had her try
uninstalling the ADSM v3 client, but that didn't fix it. So I had her
uninstall the TSM client and erase the directories, then reinstall. She is
still getting the ANS9281 error message. We do not have the Space
Management feature for TSM.
Can anyone tell us what to do?
Nancy Reeves
Technical Support, Wichita State University
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 316-978-3860