Hi Wayne, Arthur, and others having this problem.,
This is a bug in 4.1.2 and will be fixed in an upcoming ptf. An apar will
or recently has been opened on this although I'm not sure on the number.
Installshield installscript custom actions were causing other problems and
so they were removed and replaced with other methods. The support for
custom options was accidentally removed in the process. The feature will
be reinstated soon.
Along these lines we're working on improved w2k group policy support and
windows rollout issues in general. I'm interested in profiling some
customer sites who are doing this type of thing on w2k. If you would like
to provide this type of input please e-mail me directly with a description
of your environment and rollout strategy.
Wayne T. Smith writes:
> Thanks to Jennifer and Arthur for discussing this TSM Windows client
> bug. Some postings on ADSM-L last year suggest that the problem
> may have been around since v3.7 (but I can't verify that, as we
> skipped v3.7 for a number of reasons).
> We tailor our installables very much as Cornell does. None of files
> DSM.OPT, dsm.opt, ba_dsm.opt, BA_DSM.OPT nor dsm.smp in the
> /program files/Tivoli/TSM/config folder get copied during install of
> v4.1.2. No dsm.opt or dsm.new is created on install.
> The v4.1.2 wizards are quite wonderful compared to the 10-foot long
> DSMCUTIL command we used to have to force on our client
> operators. This tailored DSM.OPT facility is quite important to us
> however!
> Can a Tivoli person or anyone else recommend I open a PMR/APAR
> on the subject, or is support aware and working on the problem? Can
> I answer this question with a DB search someplace?
> Thanks, wayne
> Wayne T. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ADSM Technical Coordinator - UNET University of Maine System
Best Regards,
Mike Collins
Tivoli Storage Manager Development