Thanks to Jennifer and Arthur for discussing this TSM Windows client
bug. Some postings on ADSM-L last year suggest that the problem
may have been around since v3.7 (but I can't verify that, as we
skipped v3.7 for a number of reasons).
We tailor our installables very much as Cornell does. None of files
DSM.OPT, dsm.opt, ba_dsm.opt, BA_DSM.OPT nor dsm.smp in the
/program files/Tivoli/TSM/config folder get copied during install of
v4.1.2. No dsm.opt or is created on install.
The v4.1.2 wizards are quite wonderful compared to the 10-foot long
DSMCUTIL command we used to have to force on our client
operators. This tailored DSM.OPT facility is quite important to us
Can a Tivoli person or anyone else recommend I open a PMR/APAR
on the subject, or is support aware and working on the problem? Can
I answer this question with a DB search someplace?
Thanks, wayne
ADSM Technical Coordinator - UNET University of Maine System