It is best to span several DASD volumes.
We are on OS/390 and span the database across 12 RVA volumes.
ADSM/TSM is designed to have the database span across DASD volumes.


Kuli Toora
Enterprise Services

01384 296191 x3498
Mobile : 07989 492903


-----Original Message-----
From: Coles, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 11 January 2001 16:01
Subject: TSM 4.1 for OS/390 DB size
Sensitivity: Private

Hello all,
I have TSM 4.1 for OS/390. I have allocated 3000 cylinders, roughly a
volume, for the TSM database and currently I am at 90% utilization with a
few large client nodes left to get the initial backup. I am considering
using BMC's Data Accelerator/Compression or would it be better to just span

Any comments will be greatly appreciated,
Peter Coles
Pacific Gas and Electric Co.

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