You need for each file stored on a Pool 1kb Space in the DB.
Set the compress parameter in the client definition on the TSM Server of
set the Logretentions and the Summary (a real SQL set to the balanced Tree
DB of TSM!)back of 2 days.
Increase your DB, dont compress the DB in any way, maybe you will earn
horrible client restore durations.

With kind regards

Joachim Paul Schaub
Abraxas Informatik AG
Beckenhofstrasse 23
CH-8090 Zürich
Schweiz / Switzerland

Telefon: +41 (01) 259 34 41
Telefax: +41 (01) 259 42 82
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Coles, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 11. Januar 2001 17:01
Betreff: TSM 4.1 for OS/390 DB size
Vertraulichkeit: Privat

Hello all,
I have TSM 4.1 for OS/390. I have allocated 3000 cylinders, roughly a
volume, for the TSM database and currently I am at 90% utilization with a
few large client nodes left to get the initial backup. I am considering
using BMC's Data Accelerator/Compression or would it be better to just span

Any comments will be greatly appreciated,
Peter Coles
Pacific Gas and Electric Co.

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