> I have configured TSM api to backup db2 online and also configured user
> exits to backup archives automatically.
> Can you give me some details of seting up automated DB2 online backupa nd
> how to delete old backups and archives automatically? I think it should be
> possible by writing scripts.

There is a db2 utility like "db2adutl" that it's useful to delete the backup
object in TSM database
it's located in /db2home/sqllib/adsm. and it's possible to specify
"timestamp" of the objects in order to delete only one
or "older" than this timestamp in order to mantain only 5 copies of

It's better to issue a simple query in your TSM db first:

1 su - "db2_user"

2 db2adutl query db "db_name"

3 db2adutl delete full older "timestamp" db "db_name"
after this command those object are deactivated and TSM policies are
responsible to delete it

4 it's possible to delete also your logs with db2adutl but I don't remember
the right sintax.

Take care
Best Regards
Giulietti Fabrizio - Sistemi Informativi S.p.a.
Tivoli Certified Consultant - TSM 4.1
office phone: +39.06.50292472

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