Hallo all !

Sorry , maybe I didn't eyplain my problem right, but maybe I did, I don't know:

I'm ADSM Administrator and I try to restore some files for a user from a NT-Node
to the same NT-Node.
For this reason I use the Backup Client on my workstation with the Nodename of
the NT-Node and the proper password.
Then I select the files to restore and start the restore to the original
location, but I hget ANE4007E Errors.

When the Administrator of the NT-Node does the same from his workstation
everything works fine.

Why is this so? Does NT check the NT-User-permissions or what? That would mean
that every ADSM-Admin
would have to be Admin on every NT-Node he backs up in order to be able to
restore the files, right?
This would be stupid, or not?

Hope you could bring some light into the darkness of this subject.

With kind Regards

Robert Fijan

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