I worked with Patty Dean, this is her email


She is a Sales Rep for The Kernal Group, She is who we worked with, she came out
      with a Tech Specialist and they worked with us for the day. Let me know if
      you need any other information I would be happy to assist you

 Shawn D. King

Data Protection Manager
 International Data Group
 5 Speen Street
 Framingham, MA 01701

(508) 935-4391

"Kovacs, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/12/2000 09:08:53 AM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: Shawn King/IDGCORP/IDG)
Subject:  Re: Bare Metal Restore Product fro the Kernel Group


        He have both UNIX and NT servers running in our shop.  We have both
NT and HP-UX TSM servers, so it should not be a problem.  I would like to
get a contact that can give us some good technical insight into the product
and how well it works.

        I was even wondering if you can use it to quickly create a recovery
partition, load a basic OS and TSM clients, and then run a normal full TSM

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shawn D. King [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 8:49 AM
> Subject:      Re: Bare Metal Restore Product fro the Kernel Group
> Hi Mark
> We had The Kernel Group come out to our company about a month ago and they
> were
> going to do a demonstration of the product, Our shop is mostly NT, but we
> also
> are running Novell, and Digital Open VMS and the Kernel Group Software
> runs on a
> Unix Platform, If you have a Unix environment the product may work well,
> but In
> our environment, there were too many variables that had to be met (ie:the
> client
> being restored, the TSM Server, and the BMR Server all needed to be on the
> same
> Network) Our environment had 4 virtual Networks, and it took us most of
> the day
> the set up the environment for the demo, and in the end, the product did
> not
> restore the system, I ended up working that night restoring the machine
> with the
> TSM product by itself.
> As I mentioned, I am a NT shop, and the product is not ready for NT as of
> yet,
> they kept telling me that day that they were still developing the product
> to
> work with NT, and by early next year it should perform better with NT, In
> theory
> the product seems like a god send, you are suppose to be able to just boot
> up to
> the BMR Server and you are suppose to be able to just walk away while your
> restore goes unattended. I am still interested in the product, but I think
> I am
> going to wait until next year to give the developers of BMR some time to
> work
> out the kinks that are still in the system.
> If you are interested a demo of the product I can give you a contact name,
> I
> know that they will be more then willing to come out to your site and do a
> demo
> of the product for you.
> Regards
> Shawn D. King
> Data Protection Manager
> International Data Group
> 5 Speen Street
> Framingham, MA 01701
> (508) 935-4391
> "Kovacs, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/12/2000 07:46:17 AM
> Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:    (bcc: Shawn King/IDGCORP/IDG)
> Subject:  Bare Metal Restore Product fro the Kernel Group
> TSMers,
>         Does anyone have experience with the Bare Metal Restore product
> from
> the Kernel Group ?  I've seen their information at
> http://www.tkg.com/bmr/
> and was wondering if anyone else has used it.  Any feedback would be
> greatly
> appreciated !
> Thanks,
> mark

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