>> Seems that a lot of you are happy with the exchange backup.
>> So let me ask if I may :
>> 1. Do you backup Exchange while active or do you shut down the services
>> prior to backup ?
In order to use Tivoli Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange, your
services must be running. It uses the Microsoft provided APIs that were
built to run online backups. If you bring down the services and
run a backup, you cannot use TDP for Exchange. You could use
the standard backup archive client...BUT.... and this is a big BUT...
...you will not get online backup data integrity checking that is built
into the Microsoft APIs and thus TDP for Exchange. When you use
TDP for Exchange, every page of the database is read and check-summed
to make sure it is consistent.
>> 2. How many of you have had to restore your whole Exchange from backup,
>> how long did it take, and did it work fully or were there any glitches
>> had to be retouched to get it all running ?
I want to answer part of this question...
You should not have to "retouch" anything. Any if you do have to
use ESEUTIL or whatever your favorite tool is... then we want
to know about it because the APIs were built so that you do not
have to do this.
>> Thanks,
>> Mike
Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation