Very happy! We have nine (9) MS Exchange servers with 35GB information
stores. Our backup window is 2 hours and TDP for MSExchange does this just
fine. Of course, you have to consider the infrastructure here (Gigabit
Ethernet). All in all, it works well and the Exchange admins are happier
with TSM than they were with Veritas.
John G. Talafous IS Technical Principal
The Timken Company Global Software Support
P.O. Box 6927 Data Management
1835 Dueber Ave. S.W. Phone: (330)-471-3390
Canton, Ohio USA 44706-0927 Fax : (330)-471-4034
-----Original Message-----
From: Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,FC-SIL/INF. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: Your experience with Tivoli Data Protection for MS Exchange
happy with it,
backuping 4-5 GB(hour), our main exchange server has a 17 GB database. 2
others have about 12 GB database.
René Lambelet
Nestec S.A. / Informatique du Centre
55, av. Nestlé CH-1800 Vevey (Switzerland)
*+41'21'924'35'43 7+41'21'924'28'88 * K1-117
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stefan Holzwarth [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 5:47 PM
> Subject: Your experience with Tivoli Data Protection for MS Exchange
> Hello,
> we intend to use the tivoli agent for exchange, but have no experience
> regarding
> performance (backup & restore), easyness, robustness ....
> Because of the importance of the exchange environment we are looking for
> reference installations and we want to know of your experiences.
> Our environment:
> - 2 * MS exchange server 5.5 (10GB/30GB)
> - network (tokenring&atm backbone)
> - 3.7 NT-clients
> - TSM Server on MVS
> -2 * 3590 Tapelibraries
> Thanks a lot for your input
> Stefan Holzwarth
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> --
> Stefan Holzwarth
> ADAC e.V. (Rechenzentrum, Produktionsplanung und Organisation)
> Am Westpark 8, 81373 München Tel.: (089) 7676-5212, Fax: (089) 76768924
> Version: 4.0
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