There are too many things, in the WWW interface that do not work like the
SA gui or are simply not available.

For instance, I collect data transfer statistics. I do this by going to the
SA GUI client, SERVER ACTIVITY LOG, select all 4961 messages and then
SELECT / PRINT them to a file that is imported into a spreadsheet.

Can't do this with the WWW interface. The output is wrapped (if you just
cut/paste). No option to print to a file or with COMMA DELIM, etc.

Also, did I mention it is dog-slow !!!   I have tried using the WWW
interface and after waiting 20 minutes (this is of course, after clicking
through 8-levels to find something) for a query to return (and don't even
think about suggesting our network is the issue. We run 1GB ethernet, FDDI,
ATM, etc. Speed is not an issue), I jumped into the SA GUI program and the
same query/info came back almost immediately !!!.

You may use any web browser like Netscape to administrate the server, the
address is default to dns of your server followed by port 1580, in my case
is http://pu01:1580/. Then you'll get a nice GUI.

Werner Nussbaumer

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Donnerstag, 9. November 2000 16:01
Subject: Re: Client ver 3.7.2 - no SA software

Sadly the SA GUI is gone, I'm not sure I ever read why it was taken out
unless they are just trying to simplify things. I also liked it.

I did try a test though. I installed the 3.1.08 version on a computer and
upgraded to a newer version without removing. Since the new version does
install in the same directory structure as before I was able to keep the SA
GUI and it seemed to work. I doubt Tivoli would support you if you had
problems since 3.1 is going off support soon.

Geoff Gill
NT Systems Support Engineer
Computer Systems Group
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (888) 997-9614

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike Glassman - Admin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 6:09 AM
>Subject: Re: Client ver 3.7.2 - no SA software
>Andy, Gill,
>I did indeed do the custom install. And I noticed that there
>is the command
>line interface, but I was referring to the SA GUI interface as
>with version
>Is there no longer a GUI interface ?
>I am as said by Lawrence, using the GUI of the 3.1, but I had
>thought the
>newer versions would also have some sort of GUI interface.
>Makes it much much easier to add nodes, check statuses of
>backups, kill jobs
>Anyone on the SA GUI for 3.7 and above ?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Andy Raibeck [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: ד נובמבר 08 2000 16:55
>> Subject:      Re: Client ver 3.7.2 - no SA software
>> Did you do a "Typical" or "Custom" install?
>> Beginning with the 3.7 client, the Administrative command
>line interface
>> is
>> no longer part of the typical install in order to bring it
>in line with
>> the
>> meaning of "typical". The rationale is that the typical TSM
>user is an end
>> user who does not require this capability.
>> If you run a custom install, you can select the Admin component for
>> install.
>> Regards,
>> Andy
>> Andy Raibeck
>> IBM/Tivoli
>> Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
>> e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> "The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked."

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